2021世界铸造组织造型材料及工艺国际论坛 最终日程
发布时间:2021-11-07   阅览次数:4491次

October 21-22, 2021 Shenyang, China 

2021 年 10 月 21-22日 中国·沈阳

Sponsor: World Foundry Organization (WFO)

主办单位: 世界铸造组织

Organizers : WFO Moulding Materials Commission

承办单位 :      世界铸造组织造型材料委员会

                     Foundry Institution of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society 
                     Shenyang Zhongzhu Foundry Productivity Promotion Center


The link to join the event is



Co-organizers :                                              


Supporters :                                                                


Theme:Green and Low Carbon Moulding Materials, Helping The HighQuality Development of The Foundry Industry 

2021 WFO International Forum on Moulding Materials and Casting Technologies take “Green and Low Carbon Moulding Materials, Helping The High-Quality Development of The Foundry Industry” as the theme, gather the world leading researchers in the area of moulding materials to communicate and discuss on new material, new technology, new equipment, and predict the future development direction of moulding materials.
2021 世界铸造组织造型材料及工艺国际论坛以“绿色低碳造型材料,助力铸造 行业高质量发展”为主题,紧扣绿色环保、双碳目标发展方向,围绕造型材料 领域的新工艺、新材料、新技术、新装备、新产品,将邀请国内外专家、学者 与业界同仁分享交流,展望造型材料的未来发展方向与趋势。

Concurrently held: China Foundry Congress 2021
同期举办 :2021 中国铸造活动周

2021 WFO International Forum on Moulding Materials and Casting Technologies
2021 世界铸造组织造型材料及工艺国际论坛

Organizing Committee 组织委员会

Chairman 大会主席
Lou Yanchun    Vice President of WFO, Chairman of WFO Moulding Materials Committee, and Vice President of China Academy of Machinery Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd. 
娄延春             世界铸造组织副主席、世界铸造组织造型材料委员会主任、机械科学研 究总院有限公司副总经理

Vice President 大会副主席
Zhu Jianxun      Vice President of Jinan Shengquan Group Share Holding Co., Ltd.
祝建勋               济南圣泉集团有限公司 副总裁
Fan Zitian         Vice dean at Huazhong University of Science and Technology
樊自田              华中科技大学材料科学与工程学院 副院长
Zhu Shigen       Professor at Donghua University
朱世根               华大学 教授

Xiong Ying       Chairman of Chongqing Changjiang River Moulding Material

熊 鹰               重庆长江造型材料(集团)有限公司 董事长

Benny Yang      General Manager of Vesuvius Foundry Technology (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd

杨 彬               维苏威铸造科技(江苏)有限公司 总经理

Yin Shaokui      Director of Shenyang Research Institute of Foundry Co., Ltd

尹绍奎               沈阳铸造研究所有限公司 铸造材料技术产业部部长

WFO International Forum on Moulding Materials and Casting Technologies

Program 会议日程

Technical Sessions 交流报告


Host: Lou Yanchun, Fan Zitian, Yang Bin, Xiong Ying, Yin Shaokui

2021 世界铸造组织造型材料及工艺国际论坛

Symposium 专题研讨会

Topic: The Future of Moulding Materials - New Direction, High Quality, Green and Low-carbon

圆桌研讨:造型材料的未来——新方向 高质量 绿色低碳

Highlights 论坛亮点

1.Special invited presentations;

2.Delegates can exchange with special invited experts face-to-face and discuss in detail on topics of     development of moulding materials and marketing trend under present severe economic downward    situation;

3.First time live webcast on the internet around the world with simultaneous translation in Both Chinese and English.

1. 特邀国内外知名行业专家作精彩报告;

2. 特邀嘉宾参加专题研讨会,专家与代表可以就当前经济形势下造型材料的发展趋势及 市场走向做深入的交流与探讨;

3. 首次面向全球在线直播,同时提供中英文同声传译。  

Work Visit 工厂参观

Line 1: Shenyang Research Institute of Foundry Co., Ltd. 



Shenyang Research Institute of Foundry (SRIF) is a national recognized foundry institute in China. SRIF is engaged in research, development, dissemination and production of new foundry materials, processes, techniques and equipment. The research fields include: metal, non-metal,synthetic and compound materials, precision forming, special process, computer application, non-pollution foundry technology and productiontechnology of premium castings. Since the establishment, SRIF has undertaken many important national research projects in commercial andmilitary industries, and over 700 achievements have been made, many of which have been patented. The institute also organized the formulation and revision of nearly 300 national and industrial standards in foundry field.

Visit Route: Video Conference Room → Foundry Equipment → 3D Printing → Testing Center

沈阳铸造研究所有限公司,隶属国资委管辖下的中国机械科学研究总院集团有限公司,是 铸造技术专业研究机构、国家硕士研究生定点招收单位。铸造研究所主要从事铸钢材料、铸铁材料、 铸造有色合金材料、高温合金材料、铸造原辅材料、铸造复合材料、先进熔炼技术、特种铸造及 精密技术、铸造环保技术、型芯 3DP 成型技术、铸造设备等方面的研究、开发、技术推广及产 品生产。自成立以来,铸造研究所承担了国家科技部重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金、工信部“高 档数控机床与基础制造装备”科技重大专项等众多国家科技项目和配套项目,至今已取得科研成 果 700 余项,拥有有效授权专利 87 项,组织制修订铸造专业国家标准和行业标准近 300 项。 

参观路线:视频会议室 → 铸造装备 → 绿色快速铸造 → 检测中心

Line 2: BMW Brilliance Plant Tiexi



BMW Brilliance Plant Tiexi is one of the advanced and sustainable plants in the Chinese automotive industry. The construction work started in June 2010 and only 18 months later the first car was rolling off the production line. Celebrating the official opening on 24th May, 2012, the fullyfledged plant includes all workshops needed for the car production occupying an area of more than two square  kilometers. At present, the product line-up in Tiexi includes the BMW 3 Series (long wheelbase and standard wheelbase), BMW X1, BMW X1 PHEV, BMW X2 and BMW 1 Series Sedan.

Visit Route: Body Shop → Press Shop → Assembly Shop

华晨宝马铁西工厂是一家具有可持续性的汽车工厂。工厂建设始于 2010 年 6 月,仅用时 18 个月, 工厂首期工程即告完工,首辆宝马汽车成功下线。2012 年 5 月 24 日,铁西工厂开业典礼隆重举行。 这座占地面积超过 2 平方公里的汽车工厂拥有现代化汽车制造的完整四大工艺。目前,铁西工厂 产品线包括 BMW 3 系(标准轴距和长轴距)、BMW X1、BMW X1 插电式混合动力版、创新 BMW X2、BMW 1 系运动轿车。

参观路线车身焊接车间 → 冲压车间 → 总装车间

Contact 会议联系人                                                       

 Ms. Wang Yunxia Mobile                                         联系人:王云霞

 Phone: +86 13940361719                                        电话:+86 13940361719

 E-mail:              邮箱