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The 7th International Symposium on Nonferrous Alloys and Special Casting Technologies
Time:2022-09-21   Hits:1583

Casting non-ferrous alloys and special casting technology have a wide range of applications in aerospace, ships, automobiles, rail transit, chemical industry, energy, electronic appliances, sports and other fields, and the industries driven by them play an important role in the national economy.

"International Symposium on Nonferrous Alloys and Special Casting Technologies", co-hosted by the World Foundry Organization, Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society and China Foundry Productivity Promotion Center is an international platform for technical exchanges. Since 2014, 6 international symposiums have been successfully held with the aims of building international academic and technical exchange and cooperation, accelerating the application and promotion of non-ferrous alloys and special casting technologies, and cultivating excellent scientific and technological talents.

The "7th International Symposium on Nonferrous Alloys and Special Casting Technologies" will be held in Shenyang, China from October 21-23, 2022 with the theme of "Innovation, Green, and High-quality development" focusing on scientific and technological hotspots, green development, and intelligent casting. This symposium brings the high-quality industry resources at home and abroad together, and integrates policy interpretation, technology foresight, terminal demand, practice sharing, and talent training. These exciting contents will be presented in a variety of interactive forms such as reports, seminars, exhibitions, live interviews, etc.

Guest speaker

Chen Guang

Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Nanjing University of Science and Technology

Development and application of advanced materials and casting technology

Personal Information

Chen Guang is materials scientist, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, professor of Nanjing University of Science and Technology, chief scientist of the key project of the special zone for Innovation of National Defense Science and Technology, Special government allowances of the State Council, National Innovation Prize and National Award for Technological Invention recipient. He is the class of 1977 undergraduate majoring in casting technology and equipment (Hebei University of Science and Technology). Then he received master's degree in casting from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 1989 (tutor: Prof. Xiong Guoqing) and doctor's degree in materials science and engineering from Northwestern Polytechnical University in 1999 (tutor: Fu Hengzh academician).


Casting is an indispensable important segment in the development of equipment manufacturing industry. It’s also the significant support for the development of many main engines and major technical equipment. Solidification nucleation theory elevates the casting from technology to science and develops it from shape control to shape control, structure control and property control, which promotes the rapid development of high performance metal materials. The report introduces the development status and trend of advanced materials and casting technology, as well as the comparison of domestic and foreign situation. It expounds the prominent role of basic materials and casting technology in the process of advanced industrial foundation and modernization of industrial chain of equipment manufacturing industry; Facing the "bottleneck" problem in key areas, the manufacturing and application of aerospace high-grade core parts are emphatically introduced.